Sleeping Beauty Story


A Beautiful Princess Named Sleeping Beauty

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Sleeping Beauty. She lived in a big castle with her parents, the King and Queen. Everyone in the kingdom loved her very much.

One day, a wicked fairy put a spell on Sleeping Beauty. The spell made her fall into a deep sleep. The only way to wake her up was with true love’s kiss. a fun and beautiful story for kids.

The King and Queen were very sad. They didn’t know what to do. They didn’t want their daughter to sleep forever.

But then, a good fairy came and helped. She put a spell on the castle, too. Everyone inside fell asleep, so they would wake up with Sleeping Beauty.

The Prince and His Love

Years passed, and a brave prince heard about Sleeping Beauty. He wanted to save her. He fought through the thorns and reached the castle.

When he saw Sleeping Beauty, he knew he loved her. He kissed her gently, and the spell broke. Sleeping Beauty woke up, and so did everyone else in the castle.

The King and Queen were overjoyed. They welcomed the prince into their family. Sleeping Beauty and the Prince got married and lived happily ever after.

And from then on, they all lived happily in the castle, with no more spells to worry about.

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